Information according to § 5 TMG:
Hindle Creative Studios eGbR
Rüpingstr. 36 A
48151 Münster
Tel.: +49 (0) 176 411 374 91
Nicholas R. Hindle & Kathrin Hindle
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law (UStG):
Out-of-court dispute resolution:
The EU platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution can be found here:
We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
Liability for content:
The site operator assumes no liability for information transmitted or stored by third parties. The site operator is not obliged to monitor this information. If illegal information is transmitted or stored by third parties, the site operator is only liable if he does not comply with a legitimate request to delete the information. Obvious illegal information will be deleted immediately after becoming known.
Liability for links:
The site operator has no influence on external links. Before the links on these pages were published, they were checked to a reasonable extent for compliance with the statutory provisions. The site operator is not responsible for changes that occur on the pages that can be accessed via external links. In particular, a continuous control of external links for legal violations is not reasonable. If the site operator is made aware of illegal content that can be accessed via external links, he will remove these links immediately.
The copyright to all texts and multimedia content that can be called up on the operator’s website lies with the website operator, unless different copyrights are shown separately. If the copyrights of third parties are not shown, a message via e-mail is requested. The site operator will remove such content immediately. The processing, distribution and duplication of content is not permitted without the express consent of the site operator.